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iEHR supports the Bulk FHIR API 2.0.0. The Bulk FHIR API uses Backend Services Authorization.

The premise of the Bulk FHIR API is that it allows you to create a bulk export of data for multiple patients. There are different ways to export data:

  • From a Group of patients, which will export everything in each patient's compartment
  • As a system level export of all FHIR resources in a Project

The export process is asynchronous, and you will need to poll a status URL returned when you start the export. After the BulkDataExport resource with the export results is available, it will contain a set of URLs where you can download the exported data in NDJSON format.

Group Export

To specify which patients need to be included in the export, construct a Group resource and add specific patients as Group.member.entity.

To start the process of exporting the resources, make an HTTP GET request for /fhir/R4/Group/<GROUP_ID>/$export?_outputFormat=ndjson. This initiates a Bulk Data Export transaction and return links to download URLs for requested resources.

curl '<GROUP_ID>/$export?_outputFormat=ndjson' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
Resource in iEHR AppUsage in Bulk FHIR
GroupAll patients you want to include must be included as Group.member.entity

System Level Export

An export can also be performed for all resources in a Project by making a GET request for /fhir/R4/$export.

import http.client
import time
import json

# You'll need to go through the auth process to get a valid access token,
# see for details
access_token = '[Requires valid access token]'

# Open the connection to the iEHR API
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('')

# Start the bulk export by calling the POST [base]/$export operation endpoint
# This begins the export process, which runs asynchronouosly and may take a while
# to finish. Because of this, the response to this API call does not contain the
# actual exported data, but instead a URL that you can poll to get the status of
# the export operation
'GET', '/fhir/R4/$export', None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
'Content-Type': 'application/fhir+json',
init = conn.getresponse()

# No 202 Accepted status code means the export request was not successfully started
if init.status != 202:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to start bulk export')

# Get the status URL from the Content-Location header
status_url = init.getheader('Content-Location')
if status_url == None:
raise RuntimeError('No status URL found')

# Make an initial request for the status of the export
'GET', status_url, None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
status = conn.getresponse()

# 202 Accepted status code means the export is still in progress
while status.status == 202:
# Wait 1s between requests

# Retry checking the status
'GET', status_url, None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
status = conn.getresponse()

# No 200 OK status code means the export failed with an error
if status.status != 200:
raise RuntimeError('Error exporting data')

# Read the JSON body of the response
body =
export = json.loads(body)

# The response JSON looks like this:
# {
# "transactionTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
# "request" : "$export
# "requiresAccessToken" : true,
# "output" : [{
# "type" : "Patient",
# "url" : ""
# },{
# "type" : "Observation",
# "url" : ""
# }],
# "error" : []
# }
def download_export_to_file(export_record, access_token):
# Request the NDJSON export data
'GET', export_record.url, None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
export_data = conn.getresponse()

# Append NDJSON data to file on disk
with open(export_record.type + '.ndjson', 'a') as f:

# Iterate over the output items to download the exported data
for record in export.output:
# record.type: the resource type contained in the export file
# record.url: a URL pointing to an NDJSON file containing the exported data
download_export_to_file(record, access_token)